Endodontist/Root Canals Treatment in Pasadena, California

When we think about teeth the first thing that comes in our mind is the pearly-white part that brightens up the smile. But there is more inside the teeth than what's visible on the surface. Deep inside the tooth lies a tiny passage called canals that contain living tissues like blood vessels, pulp, and nerves. In our day-to-day experience, we're not aware of these tiny tissues that extend below the chewing surface through the root of the teeth. When something goes wrong we will get to know about it by symptoms such as inflammation and pain in the tooth. Getting relief from this pain may require Root Canals in Pasadena and the procedure is performed by our Endodontist in Pasadena.
What is Root Canal?
Root Canal is also called as an Endodontic Treatment designed to repair and save an infected tooth. The dental procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (pulp), cleaning, disinfecting, filling and sealing it. The term Root Canals comes from cleaning the canal inside the tooth root.
How to Know if You Need a Root Canal (Endodontic) Treatment?
Endodontic treatment is needed when the pulp tissue inside the root canal becomes infected. The reason for this infection can be of repeated dental work on the tooth or crack in the tooth. During the treatment, if any injury occurs to the tooth it causes pulp damage. This pulp infection needs to be treated, if left untreated it can cause pain and lead to an abscess.
Signs of Endodontic Treatment:
Here are a few symptoms that mean you need a Root Canals Treatment in Pasadena:
- Severe pain while chewing or biting.
- Sensitivity to hot or cold temperature.
- Swollen gums.
- Pimples on gums.
- Discoloration of the tooth.
What Happen During Endodontic (Root Canals) Treatment?
The Endodontic Treatment in Pasadena consists of four basic steps with one or two dental visits. It consists of the following steps:
- Our Endodontist in Pasadena examines the tooth using x-rays and gives local anesthesia to the infected tooth. After the tooth gets numb our Endodontist place a small latex sheet called "dental dam" around the isolated tooth to keep it clean during the procedure.
- An access hole is drilled into the crown of the tooth. A small instrument is used to clean the pulp chamber along with bacteria and related debris from the tooth. This cleaning process is done using root canal files. These files of increasing diameter are subsequently placed to access and work down the full length of the tooth to scrub the inside of Root Canals.
- After the inside part of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and shaped our Endodontist will fill the root canal with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. This material is placed with adhesive cement for complete sealing of the root canals.
- At the final visit, our Endodontist in Pasadena will place a crown on the tooth to protect and prevent it from breaking and restore it to full function.
Steps Involved in Root Canals Treatment:
A Root Canal treatment is recommended when there is an infection deep within the tooth. This occurs due to some injury or untreated cavity. If left untreated the infection can become severe enough and the tooth has to be removed. Here are five steps involved in a Root Canal Treatment in Pasadena, and are performed in one or two dental visits. The steps involved are:
- Our Endodontist examines the infected tooth by taking a radiograph (X-Rays). Local anesthesia is applied to numb the infected tooth. After the tooth gets numb, our Pasadena Endodontist places a small protective sheet known as Dental Dam to isolate the tooth and keep it clean during the procedure.
- An opening is made in the crown of the tooth. A small instrument is used to clean the root canals and pulp from the pulp chambers, and shape the space for filling.
- Once space is cleaned and shaped, our Pasadena Endodontist fills the root canals with a biocompatible material known as gutta-percha. This gutta-percha is placed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canal.
- In most cases, a temporary filling is placed to close the opening of the tooth. These temporary filling will be removed by our Endodontist before the tooth is restored.
- After a few weeks, our Pasadena Endodontist places a permanent crown on the top of the tooth to protect and restore it to full function. Depending on the condition of the tooth, our Endodontist may place a small supporting post inside the root to make the crown more stable.
Special Care after Root Canals Treatment:
A good oral practice can alleviate pain from the recent Root Canals in Pasadena. It can also help your crown to last for many years. Consider the following tips:
- Don't chew or bite hard foods.
- Practice good oral hygiene like brushing twice a day in gentle circling motions, and flossing once to prevent future infection.
- Reduce the number of sugary foods and drinks.
- Visit our Endodontist in Pasadena for regular checkups and cleanings.
How painful is Endodontic Treatment?
Endodontic Treatment in Pasadena is performed to relieve the pain of toothache which is caused by the pulp infection. This treatment doesn't cause pain but it helps to alleviate it. With the help of modern technology and anesthesia, most of our patients feel comfortable during the treatment. After the treatment for the first few days, your tooth may feel some sensitivity. This tooth sensitivity is temporary and over-the-counter it can be relieved.
Relieve Your Pain with Root Canals Treatment:
It is time to get in touch with our Endodontist in Pasadena at Cal Dental Group of Pasadena. Schedule an appointment and visit our Dental Office in Pasadena by calling us at (626) 584-1800.
Most Frequently Asked Questions about Endodontist Treatment in Pasadena
What Are the Primary Advantages of Getting Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment saves your natural tooth, relieves pain, and prevents infection from spreading. It restores the tooth's function and appearance with a crown, providing a durable and cost-effective alternative to extraction. For more details, read our blog: Top 5 Benefits of Root Canal Treatment by an Endodontist in Pasadena.
Can an Endodontist Save My Tooth?
Yes, an endodontist in Pasadena specializes in saving teeth that might otherwise require extraction. Using advanced treatments such as root canals, they can effectively repair damaged or infected teeth, restoring their health and function. This allows you to retain your natural tooth for many years to come.
Can an Infected Root Canal Kill You?
There is no evidence that a root canal treatment causes you cancer or kills you. But, it removes the infected pulp present inside the tooth root that can spread and cause serious health diseases. After completion of removing the infected pulp, the tooth is carefully cleaned, filled, and seals the tooth using a temporary filling.
Can Root Canal Treatment Be Repeated?
Occasionally root canal treatment can be repeated if the tooth may not get healed as expected after the initial treatment due to a variety of reasons like:
- Narrow or curved canal.
- Improper cleaning and filling of the root canal.
- Complicated canal anatomy.
- Delayed in the placement of a crown.
Is It Normal To Have Pain With an Endodontic Treatment?
Yes, it's normal. But the pain which they feel is caused by an infection in their tooth, not by a Root Canal Treatment. A Root Canal treatment is painless it is done to eliminate that pain. With today's modern technology and local anesthesia, endodontic treatment is made painless and relaxing.
Are You A Candidate For Root Canals Treatment?
A root canal is a process of removing an infection that has grown in the pulp of your tooth. The most common symptoms are:
- Tooth Pain.
- Swelling Around a Tooth.
- Tooth Sensitivity.
- Blisters on Gums.
- Swollen or Tender Gums.
If you match to any of these symptoms then you're an Ideal Candidate For Root Canal Treatment.
Reasons To Have An Endodontic Treatment?
Endodontics Treatment is necessary when the pulp and soft tissue in the root canal becomes infected. Here are some of the reasons why you need endodontic treatment:
- Deep Decay.
- Repeated Dental Work on The Same Tooth.
- Cracked Tooth.
- Large Fillings.
These are some of the Reasons To Have An Endodontic Treatment. It also helps you in maintaining a natural smile, eating the foods you love, and limit the repeated dental work.
Is Root Canal/Endodontist Treatment Safe?
Root Canal treatment is safe and effective. It plays a critical role in maintaining good oral health. They also eliminate bacteria from the infected roots of teeth and improve your overall health.
How Long Does Endodontic Treatment Take?
The amount of time depends on the procedure you're having and the type of tooth involved. The estimated time for treatment is approximately is 1-2 hours and can often be completed in one visit.
What to Expect During a Root Canal?
A root canal treatment is a dental procedure to fix a decayed tooth that can not be restored in any other way. Below are some methods that can be expected during a root canal treatment to restore the damaged tooth.
- Numb The Tooth
- Pull The Infected Tooth
- Filling
How to avoid the need for root canals treatment in the future?
By brushing and flossing every day we can avoid the need for root canals treatment and can keep it decay-free. Maintain a healthy diet that is low in sugar and avoid acidic drinks such as soda. If you're in sports consider wearing a custom-made mouthguard to protect against injury. Our Endodontist in Pasadena provides regular professional cleanings and exams.
Why would I need a root canal?
There are several reasons why Dr. Sunyoto recommends Root Canals treatment in Pasadena which includes:
- Badly cracked tooth.
- Broken tooth.
- An infection in the mouth that has reached the nerves of your tooth.
- Repeated fillings on the affected tooth.