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Forget Your Invisalign Pain by Following These Six Constructive Ways?

6 Ways to Bid Farewell to Your Invisalign Pain | Pasadena

Invisalign is a great option for straightening teeth. In fact it is one of the most convenient ones. When compared to conventional braces, the discomfort is usually less intense and varies from person to person. As their teeth migrate into their new position, most patients perceive Invisalign pain like pressure or discomfort. In our previous blog, we have explained the working process of Invisalign treatment in Pasadena. However, worry not! Nobody has to bear such discomfort.

6 Effective Ways to Bid Farewell to Your Invisalign Pain:

  1. Customize Your Diet:

    Your eating choices are one of the main causes of Invisalign discomfort. Make sure to eat soft food items as much as possible, like porridge, smoothies etc.

  2. Switching to New Trays Before Sleep:

    If you're having trouble with your Invisalign in Pasadena, consider switching to a fresh set of trays right before night. This eliminates your discomfort for at least 50 per cent a night, allowing you to have a good night's sleep until the next morning. The soreness is caused by the continual movement of the teeth.

  3. Applying Cold Compress:

    Because you won't be able to remove your trays as often as you'd want to, a cold compress will efficiently relieve the pain for another few hours. A cold compress is renowned for its ability to remarkably reduce swelling as well as discomfort in the body! It also relieves teeth from swelling.

  4. Choose the Correct Invisalign Provider:

    The role of an Invisalign provider is really important. They aren't just delivering a service. Instead, it's the proper abilities that your orthodontist in Pasadena and team need to achieve a successful treatment. Keep in mind that not everyone is a good candidate for Invisalign. As a result, it's critical to confirm the process and amount of treatments at the dental office.

  5. Orthodontic Wax Must Be Used:

    To cushion the pointy edges, orthodontic wax comes in very handy! They really assist in alleviating your discomfort and pain, since you must wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours every day!

  6. Using Aligner Recovery Tools:

    On a daily basis one must compulsorily fasten invisalign aligners for over twenty two hours by visiting our dental office near you in Pasadena. If you aren't careful when removing your Invisalign trays, you may endure additional pain. To use an aligner, a recovery tool is the proper approach to remove your aligners.


Sometimes the pain may be too much to tackle, so don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a dental office near you. Dr. Sean Sunyoto and his team are a reliable option at Cal Dental USA. Browse through our website of Cal Dental USA to gather more details regarding our invisalign and dental implants treatment in Pasadena. Call us at (626) 314-6969 to have a conversation with them right away.