Same-Day Implants: How It Is Possible.
The term implants might sound like a daunting one, considering the complexities of it and the number of visits you need. Let's say you need an implant right away to get a smile makeover, but how is that possible? Implants take several visits to give you the smile you deserve. If your teeth are damaged beyond repair, you need to fix that right away. But dental implants in Pasadena take months to work out, then this is certainly not the option for you. In a previous blog post, we discussed what are same-day dental implants and whether are they right for you. However, in this blog post, we will understand how same-day implants are possible.
Well, thanks to the advancement in technology, you can now enjoy all the benefits of dental implants in just one day. Yes, you read that right. Dental emergencies can happen at any time and so are the need of having dental aesthetics in place overnight.
With a same-day dental implant appointment, a leading dentist will be able to help you with an implant-supported crown.
Same-Day Dental Implants Procedure in Pasadena:
You will be given local anesthesia where the team of anesthetists will ensure that adjacent healthy tissues are not damaged or disturbed. The dental office in Pasadena will use a minimally invasive procedure. This entire step is specific to same-day implants to ensure proper healing takes place for the implant.
Once the damaged tooth extraction is done, the dentist carefully places the implant into the socket.
Post this step, a digital impression is captured to construct the implant-supported prosthetics to ensure smooth and regular oral functions.
Important Factors for Same-day Implants:
However, when it comes to invasive treatments like dental implants, it's not a one-step procedure. It involves three important stages of the treatment - the planning, execution, and healing. You might get the execution done in a single day, but all the stages can't be done in one shot. Your planning needs to be there before you go for an implant. Coming healing, it's a process that takes a few months' time and you need to give that to ensure that your implants cure well.
Get the Best Dentist in Pasadena:
Also, prior to undergoing the treatment, it is always advisable to visit a specialist in advance to check your eligibility for getting implants. It will depend on your age, your oral health, bone density, jaw structure and health, and addictions (if any). Dr. Sean Sunyoto is a leading dentist in Pasadena specializing in this treatment.